Saturday 18 April 2009

We need to learn so much!

Have you been hit by this new lesson in lifes learning called Susan Boyle? You havent ?? You need to watch this -

When I first watched it - I was shocked by the unanimous crowd booing and laughter!
I am not saying that people should not be judged - hell if we didnt judge people then our brains wouldnt churn analysis and make us understand right from wrong! But to do it so wickedly -when the person is on stage! The most confident person on stage does get stage fright! And plus I am not one for being bullied or bullying people anyway. I think its unfair to do it and speaks volumes about your upbringing as a person.

Anyway, as it started - the first thing that Susan Boyle did before she began singing her song was smile - a very confident smile, as if to say - you think I am stupid - hear this..And the rest as they say is history. If you carefully listen to her voice - its a sweet voice with lovely modulations and ability to emote. But there is a confidence and a certain love with which she sings the song. I am totally blown away! The reaction from the audience is equally impressive - and I was very happy about it. It was a standing ovation throughout the song!

This basically raises 2 important questions or thoughts to introspect on -
are we as humans so biased about appearances that we tend to overlook the person inside. Are we so superficial?
I am no saint either. I have been a victim and made other ppl victims too!
Why are we so hell bent on identifying peoples worth with their outer beauty? Who made this rule? But I guess if this rule didnt exist then outer appearances wouldntcount and I could go to office in my pyjamas;)

But I digress- I think we need to change the way we judge other people. However, If you look at it from the other viewpoint- when you meet a person, you hardly have time to understand the person in depth and the first thing that a person lets you know about him/her is their ability to present themselves and their ability to communicate what they think about themselves!
But, what if you are lazy and still think you are the Queen of Egypt? Wouldnt that translate into a good self esteem but a bad appearance.
I think its at such times, we should not be quick to judge.. and that is where Susan Boyles appeal lies. Her appearance is deceptive for what is hidden underneath is a volcano of talent and confidence! I am amazed her spirit has not died over the years due to the constant bullying and loneliness she has had to face!
That is where I feel for - and that is where I guess most of us identify ourselves with her! We want to give her another chance - as life certainly doesnt - and that makes us feel better about ourselves as humans and overcome the guilt of judging her too quickly. I hope life is better for her now(though I dont think she thinks it was bad as of now) and she rocks the world!

The other question that this raises is why justice in this world is delayed and when it does happen it happens in abundance! Why doesnt luck favour everyone in equal measures and at equal frequencies. I am sure there must be some statistics to explain this much better.. However I will save analysis on that for another day.

For now, I hope Susan Boyle is an inspiration and a lesson for us on what can go wrong and how we can make it right!